The Lazer Room Cosmetic & Anti Aging Medicine, face, neck, chest & hand rejuvenation, Anti Aging Medicine, Smoking Cessation, Microdermabrasion, laser therapies, Varicose Veins Treatment, Medically Supervised Weight Loss, stress management, Cellulite Treatment, Body Sculpting, Bioidentical Hormone Replacement, Chemical Peels, Botox Juvederm Sculptra, Laser Skin Tightening, laser hair removal, Laser Body Sculpting, Facial Services, sclerotherapy for minor varicose veins, mesotherapy, bioidentical HRT
The Lazer Room is the only medical facility in Newfoundland to offer a holistic approach to aging; tackling facial lines, wrinkles and sagging with Botox, Dermal fillers and Lasers...more...See more text
Medical Center, Skin Rejuvenation, Scar Treatment, Laser Surgery, Laser Skin Resurfacing
With over 10 years experience, Bense Surgispa is Newfoundland’s first medical aesthetic and cosmetic surgical facility. Our expert team is committed to ensuring quality, confidenti...more...See more text