Vision Problems, Muscular Atrophy-multiple Sclerosis, Paralysis And Bell Palsy, Acupuncturists, Hormone Inbalance, Headaches And Allergy And Neuralgia Arthritis, Chinese Herb Remedy, Holographic Meridian Therapy, Meridian Cupping / Meridian Scrapping, Assessment Of Health Condition, Menopause Infertility, Sciatica And Whiplash - Without Needles, Lung And Urinary And Digestive Disorders, Acupuncture, Nutrition And Food Sensitivity Counsel, Neck/shoulder/back/foot Pains, Facelift And Weight Control And Stroke, Lung & Urinary & Digestive Disorders, Skin Problems And Sleep Disorder And Stress, Exercise
Ms. Tian's principles and philosophy are: Highest professional standards and care and respect for the patients. Her goal is to obtain at least 95% of success. Chinese Medicine and ...more...See more text
Holistic Health Care, Registered Massage Therapists
Since 1985, Brendemuehl Barbara, Registered Massage Therapist and Professional Bowen Practitioner, has provided clients throughout Kitchener with pain and stress management therapy...more...See more text
Digestive Health, Allergies, Children's Health, Cancer Care, Anti-Aging, Energy, Fertility, Weight Loss, Pain Management, Mental Health/Mood Disorders, Hormone Balancing
We take the time to listen and hear your health concerns in order to apply medical solutions that will work for you. Our holistic, supportive, patient-centered approach to healthca...more...See more text
At Old World Medicine we take person's physical, mental, and social conditions into account in the treatment of their illnesses. In other words, we provide alternative health care ...more...See more text
organized thematically, according to the human energy or Chakra system with each section reflecting the concepts, interests,needs and desires associated with that particular energy...more...See more text
Welcome to the Steel Health Centre web site. The purpose of the site is to provide information on what we do, where we are, how to get here and how to contact us.more...See more text
Easternwell Chinese Medicine is an alternative medicine health clinic located in downtown Guelph since 2005. We provide various TCM (Traditional Chinese Medicine) techniques such a...more...See more text
Welcome to the S.T.A.B.C.Shiatsu is a non-invasive physical therapy that stimulates the body's own healing abilities. It is based on both traditional Eastern healing principles, an...more...See more text
Acupuncture, Chinese Herbs, Massage Therapy, Orthotics, Osteopath, Cupping, Physiotherapy
Lucky Chinese Medicine & Acupuncture Clinic (Universal Treatment & Rehab Centre) has been practicing for more than 10 years in Canada. We help more than ten thousand patients to fi...more...See more text