Mary's Driving School
91 Queen St S, Kitchener, ON N2G 4M7
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    i would recommend marys driving school to anyone. They teach you safe driving and are very patient. They are dedicated in making their students safe and sound on the road. I took the full course using the CPD jettala prorgram and i really enjoyed what i was taught, the material and how it was broken down. We worked in groups as well as partners and watched movies that went with the program. I started my in car and was at ease and very impressed at how marys driving school made you feel comfortable, aware and at ease while driving. I stopped being nervous a few minutes after getting in the car. Marys driving school was patient with me when i was parallel parking and when i was reverse parking. Those 2 techniques are hard for all new drivers. But Marys made it as simple as possible by teaching proper technique and being patient. Thank you SO MUCH Marys Driving school Great experience and i will continue to recommend you to family and friends!

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    My experience with Mary's Driving School

    Mary is a wonderful driving instructor and thanks to her I’m finally driving at age 64 and passed my G2 on the first try I’m new in Kitchener and found Mary’s Driving School online, I booked my first lesson and I really liked Mary’s teaching method. She was always on time and even some times she was five to ten minutes early, and she always made sure that I had a full two hours plus a few minutes lesson. I had never driven before in my life as I had a fear of driving and lacked the confidence in myself, my husband was no help and always discouraged me that it was too late and that I would never be able to drive. For years I had dreamed of being independent and able to drive myself wherever and whenever I wanted to go but I had a real fear of getting behind the wheel. On my first lesson with Mary she politely asked me that if I was ever to cancel a lesson to give her 48 hours’ notice so that she could put another student on my spot; which I respected fully and it is the standard requested cancellation notice in Canada. Mary had the skill to make me feel at ease at the same time she was a firm teacher and very honest with me as to what was required of me to pass the Ministry G2 test. When the time came to learn parallel parking and backing in parking ‘reverse parking’ that was the most difficult skill for me and I thought that I would never be able learn it. Mary was very patient and went through the process with me until I finally learned it. Thanks to Mary I passed my G2 driving test on the first try. I’m a very good defensive driver and every day I follow the defensive skills that Mary thought me. Thanks to Mary, I’m extremely happy now that I’m finally fully independent and no longer have to depend on my husband or anyone else to take me places. Many thanks to Mary for her patience in teaching me how to drive, I strongly recommend her to anyone. Mary is the very best!

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    1.) you get five “two” hour lessons. If you’re lucky. She’ll sometimes show up late, stall writing long notes, make you read outdated notes, etc. What was supposed to be a two hour lesson can easily become a 1.5 hour driving lesson. She makes you sign off your time at the beginning, so if you didn’t get your two hours you’re out of luck. 2.) VERY outdated work and video material. Be prepared to step into the late eighties, early 90’s when you go in-class. Some of the sheets look like they were taken from an old sunken pirate ship. 3.) stories, and gossip. Of course, anyone likes to hear stories and gossip, but within good taste. Be prepared to hear long talks about the latest gossip on past or current students that really should be kept private. You’ll hear this during driving lessons, where it doesn’t teach you squat about driving. Do not tell her anything about your private life, because she will most likely tell someone else. 4.) She has a large ego. It’s great to have pride in yourself, but to put down other driving schools and people is really in bad taste as a person and unprofessional as a business. 5.) Fake online reviews by the same person. I spent one night(after I finished my course), curious on what the reviews were for this school. I noticed the 5-star rating reviews (which most seem to be posted in November so far) have common spelling errors, double spacing, overuse of caps, and so on. Meaning it’s all done by the same person. This can be checked by anyone online. 6.) She will push you to get through your driving courses as fast as possible whether you like it or not. She’ll complain that she can’t pay her bills if you cancel. Forgetting this is a common thing with business’ that deal with clients. If I cancel a Dentist appointment, they’d never complain in such a poor manner. Considering how the classroom hasn’t been updated in decades, I highly doubt she has trouble with her bills.

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    Mary´s Driving School The Best!!!!!!!!!!!

    I went to a different driving school and I failed two times:One of my friends highly recommended me to take Mary´s Driving School. So I did and I took a few etra lessons and today I passed my G2 with my first try and I got very high marks.I¨m extremly happy.I am so thankful to Mary for all patience with me.I strongly recommeded it to any one. MARY´S DRIVING SCHOOL IS THE BEST!!!! THANKS TO MARY AGAIN.

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    If you want to learn how to drive. MARY IS THE ONE TO TEACH YOU. She tells you the truth about what you need to pass your test. You will not fail (ever) or again if you listen to her. I WAS CHEATED OUT OF MONEY BY A BAD SCHOOL BUT MARY TAUGHT ME THE RIGHT WAY!!! I passed the first time I took my test with her instruction. Mary teaches by the MINISTRY MANUAL and CARES ABOUT STUDENT SAFTY. SHE IS PATIENT and FUN yet EFFECTIVE! With all her experience you can't go wrong. I thank God for sending her my way and will reccomend her to anyone that needs to learn how to drive. She IS PROFESSIONAL and KNOWS WHAT SHE'S DOING. SHE IS ALSO CONFIDENT and does not make you feel nervous. GO WITH MARY. SHE IS THE ONLY SURE THING. ANYONE ELSE IS A BIG FINANCIAL RISK! Thank You so much Mary. God Bless You.

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