The key to cultivating versatile, care-free begonias

October 9, 2015

The beauty of begonias lies in their versatility: they can be found in shrub beds or by themselves in containers, producing an array of colourful blooms that seem to last forever. Here are some ways to get the most from these pretty annuals.

The key to cultivating versatile, care-free begonias

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Begonia basics

Part of the appeal of begonias is that they are virtually care-free, but always put on a colourful show of blooms.

  • Sun-loving, mound-shaped wax begonias are veterans of containers because they grow to only a height of 30 centimetres (12 inches) or less. Wax begonias are also favourites for edging shrub beds or mixing with other small annuals.
  • These fibrous-rooted plants tolerate shade, drought and humidity and spend the entire season smothered in a wealth of handsome, little open-faced flowers.
  • The waxy, rounded leaves are either deep emerald green or luscious bronze, but they are always half buried beneath snow white, pink, rose or red blossoms with contrasting yellow centres.

Wax begonia varieties

There are many different types of wax begonias sold in spring. If you struggle to choose, here are some popular ones to consider:

  • Look for the 'Wings' mix if you prefer green leaves with a range of flower colours and stunning wide, open-faced single flowers.
  • Try the 'dwarf Cocktail' series for bronze foliage. It grows to18 to 20 centimetres (seven to eight inches) tall.
  • The 'Queen' produces many-petalled, spectacular flowers and is available in a range of attractive, vibrant colours.

Tuberous begonias for containers

Although wax begonias are the queens of the bedding scene, shade-loving tuberous begonias, with their large rose-like blossoms and deep green, maple-shaped leaves, are head-turning accent plants for beds and containers.

Here are some of their best features:

  • Tuberous begonias come in many sizes and growth habits.
  • Look for varieties with double blossoms in a solid colour for breathtaking container plants.
  • You can either buy potted plants or start your own from tubers indoors in early spring, setting them just below the surface of moist, peat moss-enriched soil.

To ensure maximum beauty from the blooms:

  • Set the pots in a sunny window and move them outdoors when the weather is warm.
  • Keep tuberous begonias in partial shade and water them as soon as the soil is dry.
  • Remove shrivelled leaves and blossoms to discourage disease.
  • Keep the foliage dry when watering to avoid sunburn and powdery mildew.
  • Remove and dispose of infected leaves and move infected plants to a dry, airy location.

To overwinter tubers, allow the soil in the pots to dry in fall, then remove and store the dormant tubers in paper bags filled with dry peat moss in a cool, dark place until it's time to restart them next spring.

Types of tuberous begonia

These are some of the more popular tuberous begonias on the market:

  • 'Pacific Giant' has petals edged in another colour.
  • 'Giant Cascade Doubles' yield a shower of 13-cm wide (five-inch) blossoms in red, white, orange, pink or yellow.
  • The 30-cm wide (12-in. wide) 'Nonstop' hybrids produce masses of double and semi-double blossoms, five to eight centimetres in diameter (two- to three-inches), in yellow, orange, red, burgundy and pink virtually all summer.
  • Foliage and cane types, such as 'President Carnot', normally grown as house plants, can also be planted in the shade for the summer.

Growing wax begonias

Growing wax begonias is not as complicated as it might seem.

  • Wax begonias appreciate fluffy soil enriched with compost or leaf mould.
  • They will flower continuously when fertilized throughout the growing season with a balanced formula, such as 20-20-20, applied every three weeks.
  • Water when the soil dries and trim plants as needed to keep them neatly shaped.
  • Wax begonias are the least susceptible to diseases and insects. If ragged holes appear in leaves, slugs are the likely culprits. Put out commercial traps or shallow saucers of flat beer, which lure and drown slugs.
  • You can easily increase your stock of wax begonias by rooting eight-centimetre long (three-inch long) stem cuttings in a pot of moist potting soil.
  • Dig them up in the fall, pot and overwinter indoors on a sunny windowsill to keep your favourite plants from freezing.

The begonia is well known for its beauty and hardiness. With a little care, you can enjoy begonias throughout a long and bountiful summer.

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