Looking after yourself: How to treat constipation, gout and take your own blood pressure

July 28, 2015

The pain and discomfort was not on your agenda for today.  Knowing how to manage the first level of care for conception, gout, and abnormal blood pressure levels if your first line of defense.

Looking after yourself: How to treat constipation, gout and take your own blood pressure

Avoid and treat constipation

A diet that lacks sufficient fluid and fibre is a prime cause of this condition. It's normally easy to treat, but it is also to  usually preventable.

  • The best way to avoid constipation is to drink 1.5 to two litres (six to eight tall glasses) of fluid a day, preferably water
  • Eat plenty of fruit and vegetables, wholegrain bread and brown rice to get that fibre.
  • Take regular, brisk walks or exercise.
  • Your doctor may prescribe laxatives, but if you don't respond you may require a suppository.
  • Some experts recommend taking a psyllium supplement with plenty of water in the early evening. Ask your doctor if this is appropriate for you.
  • Never ignore or rush calls of nature, and don't strain.

Now go get yourself a that glass of water.

Treat an attack of gout

Gout is a form of arthritis caused by a build-up of uric acid in the blood. Too much uric acid, a waste product usually excreted by the kidneys, can cause crystals to form in the joints, which then become inflamed and painful.

When pain strikes

  • Rest with the affected limb elevated.
  • Keep the joint cool. Don't cover it. Remove clothing from around it and apply ice packs wrapped in a tea towel for 20 minutes at a time.
  • Drink plenty of water
  • Try drinking black cherry juice

Managing your gout

  • Maintain your ideal weight and avoid alcohol.
  • Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables
  • Limit your intake of meat (especially liver, kidneys, veal and turkey); seafood (especially anchovies, herrings, mackerel, sardines, mussels, scallops or roe); asparagus, kidney beans, lentils and spinach; and yeast extract.
  • Drink 500 millilitres (a couple of glasses) of black cherry juice a day.

Don't forget to see a doctor.

Monitoring your blood pressure monitor

Most large pharmacies sell blood pressure monitors. Ask for one with a cuff that fits your arm.

  • Wear a loose-fitting or short-sleeved top.
  • Sit quietly for five minutes, with your arm resting on the table, feet flat on the floor.
  • Then, with your arm (always use the same one) bared, relaxed and supported, wrap the cuff around the upper arm, level with your heart.
  • Stay still and silent as you take your reading. Repeat once or twice, at two minute intervals, and take an average.

Your numbers

  • Ideally the average reading should be between 90/60 and 130/85.
  • If your numbers are between 130/85 and 140/90 ("high normal"), or, more urgently, above 140/90 ("high"), you should make diet and lifestyle changes to reduce your risk of stroke.

If you suspect changes or have concerns, keep a record of your readings and see your doctor if your blood pressure is consistently raised.

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