How well do you taste?

July 29, 2015

Knowing your taster status could help you assess how much you need to stimulate your taste sensations, and the best foods to choose — or to avoid. It can also give important clues to other health risks.

How well do you taste?

Taste test equipment

A Yale University team used a prescription-only drug in their research on super-tasters. But here's a simple test you can do at home, based on their experiments. You will need:

  • a thick piece of paper and a hole punch or a paper-reinforcement ring
  • a cotton swab
  • blue food colouring
  • a magnifying glass.

What to do:

  • Punch a tiny hole in the paper and cut the paper around it so that it measures about two centimetres (about one inch) square.
  • Alternatively, and this is easier if you have one, use a paper-reinforcement ring — the sort you stick around hole-punched paper to prevent the hole from tearing in a ring binder.
  • Dip the cotton swab into the food colouring and swipe it onto the tip of your tongue.
  • Place the paper with a hole in it or the reinforcement ring over the coloured area. You will see that your tongue has gone blue but has pink spots — these are the papillae that contain the taste buds, which do not take up the dye in food colouring.
  • Use the magnifying glass to count the number of pink spots within the paper hole.
  • If you have between 15 and 35 pink spots you are a normal taster — like around half of the population.
  • Fewer than 15 spots and you join the one in four people classed as non-tasters, whereas more than 35 and you are in the other quarter of the population who qualify as super-tasters, people who are born with more taste buds than average.
  • Who knows, if you are, maybe a new career as a wine-taster — or a chocolate-tester, if you prefer — could open up.
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