Osteopathic Practitioner, Osteopathy Information, Osteopathic Clinic, Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization, Cranial Osteopathy, Biodynamic Osteopathy, Indirect Method, Infant Development Delay, Pain Relief, Pregnancy, TMJ, Vojta, Myofascial Release, Visceral Osteopathy, Concussion, Torticollis, Alternative & Holistic Health Service
Welcome to the Green Osteopathic Clinic, located in a serene setting of English gardens and pastoral surroundings in the Port Perry, Uxbridge, Brooklin triangle.
Judy and Jacqueli...more...See more text
Chronic Pain, Custom Orthotics/Braces, In-Home Therapy, Massage Therapy, Medical Acupuncture, Motor Vehicle Accidents, Neck & Back Pain, Occupational Therapy, Osteopathy, Physiotherapy, Sports & Orthopedic Injuries, Work Injury Rehabilitation, Physical Therapist
Repair your body with Total Osteopathy & Physiotherapy Rehab in Oshawa. We offer occupation therapy, osteopathy, massage therapy, medical acupuncture and much more for those suffer...more...See more text