Foot Orthopedics, All Sports Injuries, Orthopaedic Conditions, On-site we Offer Acupuncture and Foot Orthotics, Compression Hosiery, Headaches - Stress Relief, Orthotics Fitting / Moulding, Work Related Injuries, Motor Vehicle accident injuries, Rehabilitation Services, Physical and Massage Therapy - Registered, Kinesiotaping-Sports taping, Car Accidents - Injury - WSIB, Physiotherapists, Neck - Back & Joint Pain
GPSTC is a private clinic located in downtown Georgetown, Ontario. Established in 1997, the clinic provides professional rehabilitation services aimed at reducing pain and improvi...more...See more text
At the Foot Health Clinic & Orthotics we try to be pro-active and not just reactive when it comes to your foot care. We deal with all of your immediate foot concerns such as simple...more...See more text
#shoplocalonline, bathroom safety, bed side rail, cane, compression socks, first aid kit, grab bar, home health care equipment, hospital bed, incontinence supplies, mobility aid, ostomy supplies, pulse oximeter, tens machine, walker, wheelchair, wound care supplies, crutches, lift chair, PPE supplies
Adjust to Home Health Care Supplies Ltd in Milton is a company founded out of a sheer will to provide products and services designed to make your home easily adjusted for handling ...more...See more text
Always helpful right from our first visit when we knew next to nothing about the supplies we would be needing. Friendly staff always remember us when we go back and ask how our patient is progressing!Read more