Chinese Medicine, Herbal Medicine, Acupuncture, Pain Management, Quit Smoking
Danny Wu and his team at Oshawa Acupuncture Clinic specialize in providing patients with a wide range of traditional Chinese medicine treatments. We offer acupuncture, herbal medic...more...See more text
Physiotherapy, Massage Therapy, Craniosacral Therapy, Acupuncture, Vestibular Rehabilitation, Wound Care (Laser), Cancer Rehabilitation, Osteoporosis / Fall Prevention, Sports Injury Care
If you need sports injury care in Oshawa, try Active Recovery Sports Injury and Rehabilitation Clinic. We have two locations and convenient hours to serve you. Contact us today to ...more...See more text
United Wellness Centre is a Multi-Disciplinary Health Clinic located in Whitby, Ontario. The clinic provides advanced therapeutic and relaxation massage, acupuncture, herbal medici...more...See more text
Providing a relaxing environment for professional & therapeutic health care. Human health can be described as an experience of well being, resulting from a dynamic balance that inv...more...See more text
At Back In Line Wellness, we strive to provide comprehensive chiropractic care. We offer Chiropractic, Acupuncture, soft tissue techniques as well as onsite modalities of Low Leve...more...See more text