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Business listings in Sainte-Dorothee
YP Canada delivers complete business information listings for in and around the Sainte-Dorothee, Quebec region. With the most extensive index of business types you can find in Canada, Yellow gets you connected. If you live near Sainte-Dorothee, find new independently reviewed products and services close to you, with .
The Montreal Grand Prix attracts many tourists and celebrities from around the world; in fact it’s one of Montreal’s biggest weekends. With all the big names in town and exciting events taking place, why not take the opportunity to indulge a little yourself? Rub shoulders with the glitterati as you dine like a VIP at one of these fine Montreal restaurants.
Whether you’ve been dancing all night or like to get up early, a filling breakfast will set you on the right track for the rest of your day. While the real crowds come out Sunday afternoon, baggy-eyed after last night’s parties, Montreal is well-equipped with a host of breakfast spots that won’t disappoint any day of the week.
Mixologists in Montreal know the tricks of their trade and can mix up a delicious cocktail at the drop of a hat. Here are a few Montreal tequila-based cocktails that will surely leave you wanting more.