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Business listings in Sainte-Angele-de-Monnoir
Yellow Pages supplies complete contact information for in and near the Sainte-Angele-de-Monnoir, Quebec region. With the most extensive index of business types found in Canada, Yellow Pages is your first choice for search. If you live in or near Sainte-Angele-de-Monnoir, discover the best user-reviewed businesses close to you, with .
Montreal’s fabled Saint-Laurent Boulevard, though once the city’s nightlife artery, has severely declined in recent years following prolonged road work that saw many businesses close up shop as restaurateurs and chefs took their business and talents elsewhere. Fret not though - amid the turmoil, one can still find a few gems here, from mainstays to newcomers.
What does comfort food mean to you? We believe it’s important to indulge in life, and with that comes a lot of food. So forget the usual comfort food dishes - to us, comfort food is rich, hearty and filling, like homemade charcuterie, foie gras or lardo. We are here to redefine your definition of comfort food.
Meat pie, stew, stuffed turkey, ice cream logs, maple fudge - Christmas is often synonymous with culinary decadence, but after the excess come the resolutions. Here are some restaurants that will help you get back in shape after the gastronomic indulgences of the holiday season!