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Business listings in Pointe-Fortune maintains comprehensive contact information for in and about the Pointe-Fortune, Quebec area. With the largest database of businesses online in Canada, Yellow Pages gets you connected. If you live around Pointe-Fortune, discover new independently reviewed products and services by your home, with .

Few cities are as lively as Montreal during the week. In this city, we don't wait for the weekend to have a drink or a good time, we go out whenever we feel like it! Here is our selection, reserved for those 18 and older, of bars with festive or cozy atmospheres where you can relax at the end of the day.
At first glance, breakfast and business may not seem like a good match, but the combination actually has a lot going for it. Starting the day energized and with a clear mind, you should be primed for shrewd analysis and good deal-making. Many Montreal restaurants serve breakfast and can host your morning meeting. Here’s a list of our picks to get your day off to a great start on both the breakfast and business fronts.
Instead of holding a business meeting over lunch, when you may be weighed down by the events of the morning, distracted by buzzing telephones and email inboxes, why not meet for breakfast, when you will be well-rested, fresh and alert? Many Montreal hotel restaurants serve breakfast and can host your morning meeting.
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