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Are you ready to change your “I Can’t” to “I Can”?



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personal training

Watch your body perform



Are you ready to change your “I Can’t” to “I Can”?

“Change happens through movement and movement heals.”

Pilates / Therapeutic / Pre & Post Natal Movement

Not only does Pilates improve posture, it also works from our deepest centre, allowing us to work the body as a whole instead of isolated parts.


Personal Training / Private Sessions

Each session is designed with your individual needs, fitness level, motivation and goals in mind; whether you’re working on your nutrition, mobility, flexibility, mindset or injury post rehab.


Nutrition & Full Body Wellness

Each program is designed to lead the client through a process of creating healthy habits that are sustainable for the long term based on their individual history and current habits.


Donna Shellenberg

When I started on this wellness journey over 30 years ago, I never anticipated the twists and turns or the lessons I’d learn – both professionally and personally.

Here are some core basics you can start with:

  • Breathing is one of the most important things you can learn to do well. When you stop breathing you die.
  • You can’t be fit without mental health and good nutrition. They all work together.
  • Water is essential for every system of your body. If you have pain, you are likely dehydrated.
  • Build awareness. You don’t know what you don’t know.
  • Fitness has nothing to do with breaking a sweat or feeling the burn.
  • Accountability comes from within. No one can create it for you.
  • Consistency over perfection wins every single time.
  • We spend too much time looking after our illnesses and not nearly enough time looking after ourselves.

It’s not sexy or complex, the same is true today as it was when I began; to be health means you need to move more, eat a balanced diet, get fresh air, have a supportive circle and learn to love yourself as you are.

“For 5 years I spend huge bucks with trainers and did two hour hard weight lifting workouts. 45 minutes minimum cardio daily. I have diet to the extreme. I never in a decade of working out achieved the gorgeous and feminine physique I have achieved in six months with Pilates. And that’s only 2 days a week, core one and after giving birth!!! My girlfriend has been telling me for years to do this. I am so glad I FINALLY listened. I highly recommend this studio for. It’s the first time in my life working out hasn’t been a chore. I thoroughly enjoy it and my body has never been in better shape, have better flexibility or smooth joint and muscle movements.”
– Amanda

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