Chris Lesso Drum Studio
Queen & Sackville, Toronto, ON M5A 3E7
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Opening Hours *Holiday hours

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Meet the owner

Drummer Chris Lesso is living proof that where there’s a will there’s a way. He started learning piano when he was seven and drums when he was nine. Fast forward to the present and he now runs a very popular drumming teaching practice at his state-of-the-art facility in Corktown. Ironically, when Chris was first introduced to drumming, he had no drums! “I used pillows, telephone books, anything that could serve as drums,” says Chris. “I think we are all born with a flame of passion which leads us on. So I went around the neighbourhood and learned everywhere I could learn and hooked up with the best musicians.”

Today, Chris plays with top musicians in his band Modus Factor, an experience which has exposed him to percussion around the world. “Over the years, I’ve been exposed to jazz, world, rock, funk and R&B drumming; five styles which I think provide the basic grounding for a musician. I travelled around the world learning and found that being in a place gives you the whole picture as a musician, so you play better.”

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