At Doyle Salewski Inc in Ottawa, we know that finding yourself in financial difficulty can be stressful, scary and embarrassing. That's why we work hard to make the insolvency process as comfortable for you as possible. No matter how severe you think your situation is, our highly trained experts can help put you back on a sound financial path, treating you with respect, dignity and compassion the entire way. Whether you're a struggling individual, family, small business or multi-million dollar corporation, we'll work with you to assess and choose the best solution for your situation, and then walk you through the process one step at a time. And with multiple, bilingual offices in both Ontario and Quebec, we're closer than you think. Call us today for your free, no-obligation, confidential consultation...and take your first step toward financial freedom!
Doyle Salewski Inc. is A Licensed Insolvency Trusteemore...See more text