Rio Theatre
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  • movies,
1660 Broadway E, Vancouver, BC V5N 1W1
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    Appears in 3 Smart Lists

    Editor’s Pick
    Budget-friendly date ideas in Vancouver

    Budget-friendly date ideas in Vancouver

    The Rio often hosts cheap cinema events, but the thriftiest of all has to be their Tuesday movie nights at only $6 a ticket. The featured films change frequently and are often sci-fi, action, or cult and indie classics, both new and old. You’ll most certainly have plenty to talk about once the credits have rolled.

    View this Smart List
    Alternative movie outlets in Vancouver

    Alternative movie outlets in Vancouver

    Not only a good movie theatre, this East Side venue is fast turning into one of Vancouver’s premiere entertainment spots. Their film programming covers first- and second-run showings of movies from the mainstream to the commercial margins, but it’s late night when the Gremlins come out: 80s classics, horror faves and cult hits make their midnight comebacks. The Rio is licensed for booze, and the atmosphere is chill and informal.

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    A good rep: Independent cinemas in Vancouver

    A good rep: Independent cinemas in Vancouver

    This 1930s rep theatre has recently been revitalized thanks to its status as one of few independent theatres left in Vancouver. It’s also happens to have licensed premises. Enjoy a completely ad-free Hollywood movie or dress your best (i.e., in costume) for late-night revivals of classic horror, sci-fi and cult favourites all while sipping a beer or cocktail in a civilized manner. Only real butter on the popcorn here, and those arms between theatre seats adjust, perfect for snuggling with your movie date.

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